
High Frequency ft GOKU

eve Season 1 Episode 5

Conscious Conversation with a divine being called 'Goku'

When you desire more, more will be required of you. That "more" that you're asking for, is going to require discipline and consistency. If you want to certain results then certain things are required of you. To receive the highest reward in this life, or to align with your highest timeline, you're going to have to become the best version of yourself. 

The energy you put out, is what you are going to receive. We are electromagnetic. You are creating a field that attracts your experiences based on your frequency. You are going to attract in, and repel out based on your frequency.  Your frequency is what you do consistently. Frequency is based on your lifestyle choices - the 'food' (thought, information, people you talk to, tangible food) that you consume daily. When you are a "high frequency" being or "magnetic" being, you can stumble, have a few cheat days, listen to some secular music etc, but it won't have an effect on your overall well being.
The changes that you desire in your life don't require a "diet" they require a complete lifestyle change. 

"if I give you a mango seed or a coconut,  you know it's going to produce coconuts.. When you plant that coconut, you won't see the coconuts, but you know it's going to produce coconuts. So every single discipline that you implement into your daily routine, each one of those is like a seed, and when you plant that seed into your life, it must be nourished daily to see the fruit." The "nourishment" requires affirmations, positive thoughts, and good works... If you stop watering the seed, you're never going to see the fruit in your life... The seed might sprout for a second, and then die off and go right back into the ground if it isn't given the proper care that it needs to flourish in life. If you don't have faith or believe in the seeds your planting then the plant will not survive or that new discipline will not survive. "faith" is an action.. When you plant that seed that's your will- When you think to yourself " I want to do this- boom you plant a seed, and now you need action to set that idea in motion. Your will power is the seed planted. Your actions, will decide how that seed manifest into your reality. when you think a thought like "I"m going to start going to the gym" this is a positive thought, that will spark positive change in your life. This thought has the ability to put you in a position to achieve your goals... But, with every positive thought comes a negative one. Whatever thought you water more will grow stronger.. Just like in nature, when two trees are planted in the same space, they compete for that space and may the strongest win. 

Your actions are determining your position in this lifetime. How much you surrender, your faith, and your actions determine what position God will place you in. We all have a potential that is placed on our life, and in order to fulfill our potential we have to talk aligned action to be in service to the most high, or the highest version of ourselves. In school, you don't have to embody the information that you learn, you just have to be able to remember it when the day of the test comes. In the school of life, you have to embody the lesson. God will keep you in the same lesson until you embody the lesson. When there is a lesson that needs to be learnt, God will give you many different ways to look at that same lesson.. You may get into a relationship and although it's with a different person, you may notice that they same scenario is playing out... God is testing your spirit to see what you have learned, and although there is not a "right" or "wrong" answer in the school of life- There is levels to understanding that will give you access into realms of higher consciousness.