
God is Calling

August 26, 2024 eve Season 2 Episode 5

God is calling but you're on the other line with someone else; that friend, co-worker, parent, sibling... You've placed God on hold as you turn to everyone else for counsel or advice. 

God desires to hear from you. God desires to be the first one you turn to on a good day or a bad day. When things are still and when things are hectic. 

God is a jealous God. Exodus 20:5-6 "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God," Whatever you are placing above and before God he will strip away from you. Jutst as God gives, God takes away. Job 1:21, "The lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord."

Shadow work prompt: 
Ask yourself:  "Who have I been placing before God? "Who have I been turning to first in my life when things get hard or when things get good?" 

Reflect on these questions and allow for God to reveal to you your blind spots that are keeping you from thriving in your relationship to Christ. 

Thank you for listening.

I love you.