
The Revelation of Knowledge and The Spirit of Wisdom.

June 08, 2024 eve Season 2 Episode 1

Exploring my belief on  what the revelation of Knowledge and the spirit of wisdom is. 

I reference physical grade school as a way to create context for human understanding of a school system or program that most / if not all have gone through to bring in more understanding of the school that we also attend in the spirit realm. 

Most are aware of their human experience of grade school yet many are unaware of the grade school they are attending in the spiritual realm, and this is where the revelation of knowledge comes in to bring more insight into what class / lesson you are currently learning in spirit school. 

When you know what grade you are in and what classes you are taking, you are able to study the proper texts and vidoes that are filled with the info you need to be able to learn as much as you can about that lesson for the test. The test in grade school (in our human experience) doesn't require us to actually embody the info we take in, we only need to know enough to pass the test.. In spirit school however, you must embody the lesson to be able to move up in grades. Embodiment means you can no longer reference the texts you have to be the text. 

In grade school in our physical realities, you may have 6 different classes and in each class you are learning a different lesson... math, science, English, etc . In spirit school you have 4 different classes or courses that you take: Mind, Body, Spirit and emotions (the 4 elements)  and you are given lessons within each with the intention for you to be able to become the master. You can think of it like avatar the last air bender whose role was to master all elements and become the avatar. 

In grade school if you have a lesson coming up about adding and subtracting, you're going to look up texts and watch videos that are all related to that specific topic..  You wouldn't be watching videos about division when you have a test about adding. It's the same thing for spirit school. If you have a test about strengthening faith or intuition, you will need to look up scripture texts and videos that reference exactly that to be able to receive as much info as you can. 

The different ways to understand the synchronicities in your life that are highlighting which lessons you are learning right now: you hear and see different words / numbers repetitively which can be leading you to look up those numbers/ words and study the texts.. videos keep popping up talking about the same thing, or you watch a video and someone in your reality talks about that very thing, your relationships could reflect the lessons etc

It's important to attend every class that spirit has for you and be fully present and aware so you don't miss anything. In school think about how much info and assignments you could miss out on in one day if you didn't attend class... You need all the info you can get so show up and be present... When learning from spirit becomes your favorite part of the day, you will want to devote time everyday to the assignments and lessons you are given because you know they are leading you closer to God and your souls purpose here on earth.