
Enviromental Impact

March 18, 2024 eve Season 1 Episode 14

Exploring the idea of how our environment can have either a positive our negative impact on our growth. 

Just because you're in nature doesn't mean you're in your natural environment... The lion in a zoo might be out in nature, but he's not in his natural environment. The cage that he's been placed in, limits him from being everything that he could be in this lifetime. Many times people place us in a cage because they fear our own power in strength... Just because someone isn't physically placing you in some cage, doesn't mean they aren't attempting to cage you in with their words, projections, opinions, insults etc.. When you become aware of the "enemies" tactics and attacks on your life, you begin to become aware of your own power and strength.. The enemy isn't trying to cage in anyone that isn't a threat.. You have great purpose and potential on your life, it is time you remember your own strength and break free from those cages... 

Sometimes, it isn't others that will cage us in (unconsciously or consciously) rather, it is our own selves. Many people fear their own power, strength, and success so they place themselves into mental cages to try and experience a sense of comfort... It's time to make peace with growth and the discomfort that comes with it. You are destined for greatness, it's time to come out of hiding.