
Spiritual Discernment

March 11, 2024 eve Season 1 Episode 12

Spiritual discernment.. If you're wondering what spiritual discernment is and how does one obtain this gift, then this is a great listen for you.  

Spiritual discernment is a gift given when you receive the holy spirit.. This gift allows us to be able to discern between spirits, not just between personalities. Discernment is a reaction from the spirit, not a reaction from the mind. When you receive this gift, you have the ability to check a mans heart, to be able to know who one truly is...

It's important to remember that we are spirits having a physical experience, and given physical bodies... we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience. Everything is spiritual.. Your ability to see beyond what your two eyes can see, and feel beyond what your flesh can touch is proof that there is more to this life than what meets the eye..