
Deceptive Eyes

February 18, 2024 eve Season 1 Episode 10

Gifting you the reminder that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now. The people in your life, the job or opportunities in your life, the place that you live in, the community that a surround you, the family you're connected to.. all of it has purpose. When you can recognize this, you can then emit a certain level of gratitude that will allow you to live a life of more peace and contentedness. 

in this episode I explore the idea that what you think is best for you, might not actually be what's best for you. Who are we to say who and what is best for us? Especailly when  we can't see the future or the position that we hold in the spirit realm. Many of us are failing to recognize the blessing that's before us because it's not coming in the package we thought it would come in. Many of you are rejecting a blessing because it doesn't match the image that you painted in your mind. When you create ideas of what your life is going to look like, and you get attached to that image, you don't create enough space for God to work in your life. 

When you focus on the packaging and not what's inside the package, you will end up choosing someone or something that looks shiny, alluring, and enticing because of the packaging, but what's inside is actually rotten...  Don't let your eyes deceive you or lead you to temptation. You have to fix your focus off of the external world... When you direct your attention on the fruits of a person you will focus on 'who' they are and not 'what' they are. 

The path that you're meant to take in this life most likely won't look anything like what you thought it would look like... Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Going on a walk with God means denying the flesh - denying the things that you want or desire- to fill the spirit.. In order to be in service to the most high you have to make sacrifices. Sacrificing the idea of what you want in this life or what you think is best for you. When you do so, you receive the fruits of the spirit and I promise you life gets 10x sweeter.. Fruits of the spirit to me are like gifts from spirit- overflowing cup of abundance, pure - rich happiness and joy, overwhelming love of God that fills every inch of your body, patience, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.