
The Organic Woman

January 25, 2024 eve Season 1 Episode 4

Exploring the idea of what an 'organic' or a 'natural' woman might look like. 
Exploring the idea of what type of man an 'organic woman' will attract into her life. 

When one doesn't have an appetite for realness and authenticity, they will run from it. Rawness and authenticity will scare away those who are still choosing to wear a mask. You alone- just being who you authentically are- is reflecting to others their shadows, and the parts of them where they haven't embodied their own authentic expression. 

Many people will reject the truth out of fear of what they don't understand. 

The more you show up as yourself, and as unapologetically authentic as you can possibly be from the jump, the more the people who are NOT meant for you will want to flee from you. Send that "risky' text, wear the clothes, make that joke... Be your radical self and watch as you start attracting in people who love you for YOU. 

In order to be with a natural woman, you would have to have an appetite for the things of the spirit and not of the world. If a man has an appetite for worldly things and fleshly desires, he will spend much time indulging in pleasure... When a man understands delayed gratification, he will know that the fruit tastes sweeter when he had to wait to receive the harvest. Many fruits of the spirit take time and patience to receive... And when you receive the fruits of the spirit, they are long lasting, fulfilling, nourishing, and satisfying. A man will have to deny thy flesh to receive the fruits of the spirit... This in itself is a practice that requires discipline, consistency, patience, determination, and perseverance.... all qualities that will help to develop a man into his highest potential. 

When I refer to the "greens, veggies, fruits" I'm referring to "the organic woman" 
a woman who is connected to nature, and doesn't have an appetite for worldly possessions or a desire to fit societal beauty standards. A woman who embraces her natural self and is confident in who she is. A woman who embodies authenticity. A woman who doesn't need the bbl, makeup, fake tan, hair, or nails to feel secure or worthy. 

When I refer to the "hot wings, pizza, burgers" I'm referring to "the inorganic woman"
a woman who has an appetite for the things of this world... material, fame, money. A woman who has an appetite for processed foods, designer clothing, bbls, fake tans-hair-nails. A woman who is out of touch with her own nature. A woman who seeks security outside of herself.

I want to express that this video is not to shame or put down a certain type of woman. The intention of this video is to highlight what kind of woman I refer to myself as and what type of man I aspire to attract in from strictly appetite, desire, frequency, and energy. 

Thank you for Listening. I love you.