
Embody Your Authenticity

January 23, 2024 eve Season 1 Episode 3

Exploring the grief that comes with an 'ego death'

Exploring what happens when we strip off the ideas of who we think we are to discover who we've been all along underneath all of the programs, projections, systems, limiting beliefs, etc. When you begin to see yourself through a new lens that is true to your authentic being, you also have to face the grief of all the ways you've been neglecting to love yourself properly. Many times when you aren't operating in truth, you accept less than you deserve or you allow toxicity in to your life...  All of this stems from your inability to see your self worth within. You may self sabotage and now that the mask of deception is removed, you have to become self aware of the pain that you've been inflicting upon yourself... And in that awareness, you no longer understand why you do it. 

When you remove the mask, only then will you be able to embody your authenticity. the grief that comes with removing the mask is you can no longer work certain 'jobs' that don't give you the space for your individuality to be expressed. With that grief, you will also will experience the joy / freedom within the ways you get to show up in the world.. it takes 1 minute to write an instagram caption because you don't have to go find some inspirational quote on google- you now let whatever flow from your heart. 

It's much easier to be who you truly are, than to be someone you're not. If want the whole world to like you, you will end up not liking yourself. When you choose to show up as your authentic self, some people will love you- others will hate you. Get comfortable with people rejecting you. Rejection is part of the process.  

Thank you for listening. I love you.