
Wearing the mask

January 19, 2024 eve Season 1 Episode 2

Exploring the relationship that we have to the mask. 
Becoming more of who you are requires you to strip back the layers of who you've been, or who you've been trying to be. It takes a lot more work for us to to try and be someone we aren't, then to just be ourselves. When we work to strip off the mask, it's like taking a flower that's pedals are closed up and removing each pedal one by one until the core of it is revealed. Who you are at you core, is who you've been all along. The masks or pedals will be removed as you take inspired action, listen to your heart, and follow you passions. Your highest excitements (passions) are guiding you towards the truth of who you are. 

When you reveal who you are, the people who only 'loved' you for the mask you were wearing will begin to leave your life... Do not worry, this is making room for the people to come into your life that will truly love you for who you really are. The only way to attract in your soul tribe, is to be walking in your souls purpose and staying true to who you are. The fear of abandonment will keep us in places and relationships we aren't meant to be in.